This is the first in a new series of As Told to Glenn Stewart books about civil rights violations. This book is completely true. We expect that at least some of the later books in this series will combine a true event of a civil rights violation, followed by a fictitious consequence. When we first heard about this story, and the uncanny amount of serious evidence of malfeasance by the deputies and the prosecution and other parties involved, we knew we had to write a book about it. This book could help millions of drivers over just the next few years!
The BEST time to read this book is BEFORE the Blue lights come on!
This book has now been uploaded to Amazon as a Kindle book. It will take us a while to reformat to a print (paperback) book. The Kindle version will be available within the next couple of weeks, and possibly as soon as a few days. Price will be $9.99 for the Kindle version. This book will be distributed widely, including Smashwords, D2D, Lulu, etc. These currently blank buttons will be linked as the book becomes available. There will be a second book in the series with state-by-state listings of what laws apply, what device they use for breath testing, and any known problems with that device. This will take a few months to compile.