When you walk into a car dealership to look for a car, who do you think has the advantage? Does the customer have the advantage, since he has the money? Not on your life! Even if you buy a new car every two or three years, the salesperson who is about to greet you talks to at least three or four customers EVERY DAY! The dealer has this down to a science, and you don't. This book will tell you what to watch out for, and how the salesperson is trained to control the customer.
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The small business owner has to market smartly in order to grow. And to do so, he must build a network of people around him who will assist him in every way possible. This book describes the process in clearly understandable terms and with checklists at the end of each chapter.
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This book covers the basics of choosing your business, studying the niche, jump-starting some quick income, building on your success, and finally, quitting your steady job to run your business full-time.
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A look at chronic fatigue and how you can fight it. We discuss natural habits that you can stack up, along with teas that will pick you up quickly, foods and supplements that can help, and essential oils and other tips. This is a complete book on fatigue and fighting it.
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